My car was starting to miss a little so I decided to change plugs and that's when all hell broke. After changing the plugs it started up fine and ran good. I tried to back it up then it ran rough and died. Since then I replace distributor, wires, fuel pump and starter all of which were bad or dying. It ran awesome so I took it for a drive and 10 miles down the road it died and wouldn't start. Towed it home, follow the repair manual to diagnose it and it comes down to igniter or computer. Spark at plugs, fuel to throttle, volt to the igniter on the two + sides. Car turns over with no promise to fire. When I release the key it makes a small popping sound with white/gray smoke coming from the throttle body. Can the igniter itself be tested? Its getting costly and I'm turning into an R&R guy. Remove and Replace and hope I changed the right part. I am no mechanic but I can read and follow the repair manual. I'm not a cash cow and don't have cash coming out of my ears either. Yikes! Any suggestions? Help!!!