For your 2005 Toyota Corolla, Toyota engineers prefer the 5W-30 viscosity. Virtually no car in the world comes with the 10W-40 viscosity anymore and it's almost obsolete. A thicker oil like a 10W-40 will reduce fuel economy, reduce power, increase engine wear, increase emissions, reduce throttle response and increase engine operating temperatures, which are all not advantageous to have happen.
By design, any engine consumes some oil. The oil drain intervals you are using with your Yaris are not long enough to show on the dipstick that any oil is being used between oil changes. But all engines use at least some oil. If they don't, something is wrong and the piston rings would be wearing out prematurely.
For your 2005 Corolla, try using a better oil and that may very well reduce oil consumption. I feel AMSOIL synthetic motor oils, The First in Synthetics, (TM), pioneered the synthetic oil industry for cars/trucks and this is the distributor in Portugal -
Comopor Comercio de Máquinas e Equipamentos Lda
Antonio Neto
Apartado 84 2460-601
Alcobaça Portugal
00.351.244769860 or
Here is the link to the AMSOIL 5W-30 product description. High quality synthetic oils like AMSOIL typically reduce oil consumption -
Reduces Oil Consumption and Emissions
Volatility (burn-off) occurs when oil gets hot, causing high oil consumption and emissions. AMSOIL Signature Series Synthetic Motor Oil exhibits an extremely low volatility rate; it controls volatility-related oil consumption and emissions.
I hope this helps you out.