hey all i own a 89 corolla 1.6l 4af carbureted engine. recently i had an anti freeze leak and oil leak, i put a new oring in the water pipe off the water pump seemed to fix the issue. the the oil leak i had a garage put an oil pan gasket in twice and it still seemed to leak then i discovered the distributor oring issue. i replace the oring in that,marked where the distributor sat and rotor, put everything back together with new rotor and spark plug wires and cap are one piece. started it up it ran beautiful i took it to the local hardware store everything was fine. i go to leave it started nice and it quit on me as soon as i pulled out. i towed it home pulled each sparkplug out to see if i had spark i have spark on cylinder 1 and 2, 3 and 4 there is nothing. i took my electrical tester and had my friend turn the engine over and each point on the distributor cap lit my tester up, i pulled the cap back off and noticed the rotor was turned 1/4 turn to the left of where it was before (i think it supposed to spin anyway?) so i pulled the hit the distributor back off the camshaft, turned the engine over so it matched the original position where the rotor lined up to the original spot, put it back together and still nothing. i swapped plugs and tested each of them in the wire and out of the cylinder all plus had spark until i put them into #3 and 4 wires then nothing. when i originally started it i was filling it with anti freeze, revving it up a bit here and there and everytime i hit the throttle i could here a relay click when i let off. idk what that is i tried swapping the CMH fuse but still nothing. appreciate your input guys gotta keep er goin